Franco Law Firm

As the saying goes, “Do good and don’t look at whom!”

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Franco sends his regards!

A few days ago, I encountered a small challenge online. It turns out someone decided to leave a negative review on my Google Business profile. Although I believe it was a service provider in Colombia with whom we ended relations and left dissatisfied, the review was posted from a fake profile. At that moment, I disputed the review, but unknowingly, I didn’t choose the right reason, and Google decided not to remove it.

A few days later, I had to terminate a business relationship with a service provider in the United States, to whom shortly before ending the relationship, I mentioned the negative review I had received. Upon parting ways, the American provider said to me: “To be honest, you’re a good person, and that’s what people think too. It’s a shame our collaboration didn’t work out.” He then told me he had looked into how to remove the negative post, suggested how to do it, wished me good luck, and bid farewell. Immediately, I followed his instructions, and overnight Google removed the negative post.

This experience taught me that we don’t always have complete control over how others perceive us, but we do have control over how we react. Sometimes, even the most uncomfortable situations can lead to unexpected advice and valuable lessons.

So, here we are, facing life’s ups and downs with a renewed perspective. Sometimes, solutions can be simpler than they seem. As the proverb says, “Do good and don’t look at whom.” Although that doesn’t guarantee everyone will react the same way, at least we can sleep peacefully knowing we’re doing the right thing. Until next time!

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